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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
My public speaking e-course is finally ready!Views: 315
Apr 26, 2007 7:37 pm My public speaking e-course is finally ready!

Lisa Braithwaite
I'm excited to announce that my e-course "Build Skills and Confidence: Learn to Love Public Speaking" is ready! It's self-study course that gets delivered to your inbox once a week for seven weeks.

I've been working on it for some time, but the real thorn in my side was the delivery system. I finally figured it out (AWeber.com) and the e-course is now available on my site.

The e-course covers the following topics:

Week 1: Course Introduction
How do you see yourself as a speaker - what are your challenges and strengths?

Week 2: Content and Structure
What is your objective and how do you structure an effective presentation?

Week 3: Organization and Preparation
Besides your content, what else should you know before giving a presentation?

Week 4: Physical Presence and Delivery
What impact do your movements and facial expressions have on your presentation?

Week 5: Engage Your Audience
How do you capture and keep your audience's attention?

Week 6: Fear and Anxiety
Is fear such a bad thing, and how can you manage it better?

Week 7: Moving Forward
Next steps. . . where do you go from here?

The e-course includes concrete guidelines and tips in plain English, exercises, activities, personal evaluation and links to outside resources to ensure that you get as close to one-on-one coaching as possible!

Check out the details on my order page.


Lisa Braithwaite
Find Your Voice With Public Speaking Coaching!
* My public speaking self-study e-course *
* My public speaking blog *
* Free newsletter signup *
* www.coachlisab.com *

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