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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How Would You Feel?Views: 281
Nov 30, 2007 1:02 am re: How Would You Feel?

Lisa Braithwaite
Besides what Kevin said, which is all right on, I find that conference organizers FREQUENTLY inflate numbers to get you psyched about presenting. It's been my experience and that of a number of my clients that there are rarely as many attendees as we've been told up front.

That's just one more reason not to do big gigs like that for free; if you're doing it for visibility and you're hoping to get some business, and then 14 people show up - and you're doing it for free and paid your way to get there - it can feel like a big waste of time.

I don't get my expectations up for numbers any more; I get my expectations up for what I'm going to give the audience, no matter how many show up.


Lisa Braithwaite
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