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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
vitaltalks.comViews: 306
Nov 30, 2007 8:04 am re: vitaltalks.com

Kevin Burns

After reading your posts and visiting your web site, I am really not sure what it is you do ... or more importantly, what you DON'T do. I can understand your wanting to be flexible so that you can ensure yourself some work, however, by being a speaker, a workshop leader, a speakers' bureau and an event planner all in one, I think you may actually be hurting your chances for any business.

Pick the one thing you are really good at - is it keynoting, is it workshops, is it seminars, is it impromptu, whatever it is, pick a "lane" and stick to it. Become an expert on something and stop being a generalist on everything. If you were a true meeting planner, you would want an expert to speak to your group and not just a generalist with no particular expertise in any given area.

Then once you've established your expertise, figure out who your audience would look like. It can't be anyone from 18-80 as you indicate on your site. Are they professionals, are they blue-collar workers, are they looking for personal development? What does the audience look like. If your message can be heard by anyone then that would indicate no particular expertise and someone who simply speaks in generalities. If it is generalities, then it's nothing specific. If it's nothing specific, then why should you be hired?

I did what you're doing at the beginning of my speaking career and until I figured out my area of expertise and my ideal audience, I simply made a living. One can't really be an expert at anything if they are simply making a living.

Please don't take this message as a harsh criticism, it was not meant that way. It is meant to help you find your "voice" and to market just that. Good luck in your future endeavors. In the meantime, feel free to pick up Jane Atkinson's "The Wealthy Speaker" workbook, book and CD's from http://www.speakerlauncher.com. It will make a real difference in your focus.

Kevin Burns
Author & Attitude Adjuster

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