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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How Would You Feel?Views: 291
Dec 01, 2007 4:49 am re: re: How Would You Feel?

Felicia Slattery
Kevin, you had some great suggestions.

I am a major advocate of putting together what I call your Signature Speech to market your business. Basically, you create a presentation for your ideal audience and then go out and find places where they're hanging out and get booked to deliver your speech pro bono.

If you speak locally, you'll never have any travel expenses beyond gas and possibly parking fees. Whether you're speaking to 15 or 50, you'll get the beneifts of speaking to market your business.

I am also a paid speaker. If a group is either (1) not my target audience and/or (2) looking for something completely unique to their needs, I charge for the event. Both of those situations mean spending time preparing, often to a great extent. That's my time and it's valuable, as is yours. I will only travel if the event is paid. For me, time away from my family is too valuable to do for free.

Just like Kevin said, when you prepare your Signature Speech, it all stays the same except for how you relate to the audience. Every time I present my Signature Speech, I get about 90-100% conversion rates, meaning almost everyone in the audience signs up for my list. Some of them buy what I have to offer at the back of the room, so I even make a few bucks while I'm speaking pro bono. And just about every time I present, I get referred to another group. I have not marketed my Signature Speech in months. People get my name from others who have seen me deliver it and are thrilled to get a professional speaker for free. It's a win-win for everyone.

It's also been my experience that event organizers will inflate their expected numbers. But I really am happy to speak to local groups of any size. A bigger group is more fun to present to, but an intimate group has its benefits, too. Either way, I know I'll get the results I want, so I feel grateful to do it. I'm a big networker, so for me meeting people is part of the fun of speaking events and in that case, it doesn't mater how many are there.

I've written a bunch of free articles about creating a Signature Speech -- you can see them all at: http://www.ezinearticles.com/?expert=Felicia_Slattery.

PM me if you have any questions! I'm happy to help.


Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
Communication Consultant, Speaker & Coach
Discover how to Increase Business by Communicating Your Credibility.
Free e-course: http://www.communicationtransformation.com

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