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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill
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The Public Speaking - The Essential Skill Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
Should I introduce myself?Views: 663
Mar 16, 2007 1:49 amShould I introduce myself?#

Lisa Braithwaite
Some networks require it, others frown upon it. I'm going to make my best guess and say "yes, I should introduce myself."

I'm Lisa Braithwaite, a public speaking and presentation skills coach in Santa Barbara, CA.

For many years, I worked in the nonprofit sector as an advocate, educator and trainer, and spent most of my time creating programs and curricula, giving presentations, facilitating workshops and providing trainings, both internally and externally.

I also founded a nonprofit and ran it for eight years before I decided to leave to focus on "for-profit" for a change.

I started the public speaking coaching business at the end of 2005, so I'm fairly new to the coaching side, but I knew I didn't want to be a professional speaker; the idea of coming up with some sort of "motivational" topic just bored me to death, and I've spent fifteen years talking about "issues."

Instead, I thought I would use my skills and experience to help others build their confidence and skills as speakers.

I need a better term for this, but my client is really the "average joe." I'm not seeking executive or corporate clients or trying to gain prestige by coaching famous people. I prefer to work with professionals (and non-professionals, for that matter) who need to improve their skills for a variety of everyday reasons: communicating with employees; approaching retailers about a product they're selling; starting their own speaking business; preparing for a conference; learning networking strategies.

I have one client for whom English is his second language, and I'm working with him on conversational etiquette. I have another client who recently had the opportunity to pitch her business to a national magazine - for five minutes. Another client was a pastor wanting to fine-tune his approach to preaching and using visuals like PowerPoint.

I love meeting so many interesting and fascinating people; I love doing practical work that really helps; I love the variety in my job every day. It's the first time that my educational background, lifetime of experience, and love of speaking, teaching, writing, and entrepreneurship have finally come together for me in the perfect career.

Nice to meet you all. :-)


Lisa Braithwaite
Find Your Voice With Public Speaking Coaching!
* Check out my public speaking blog for tips and insights *
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