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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill
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The Public Speaking - The Essential Skill Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
Speak for those who can'tViews: 811
May 10, 2007 3:59 pmSpeak for those who can't#

Asif Quddussi
Dear Public Speakers,

I have recently joined a Toastmasters Club in Edison New Jersey and there is a reason for that-I want to improve my speaking skills. Now what about those human beings who cannot speak. I mean those who are born mute or lost their speaking ability due to a disaster or accident. Who is going to speak on their behalf? I want to do that. Let me know if there are more of my type who wants to join hands with me.

I don't want to brag about my speaking skills but the only reason I have joined TM is because I want to get better at it as well as get certified. I guess being a CTM would help me do this professionally to help others. It is not that complicated. Reply and we will go from there.


Private Reply to Asif Quddussi

May 10, 2007 4:43 pmre: Speak for those who can't!!! I got a solution for only $27!!!#

Julius Pa Woods
Hello Asif

Communication is the key to understanding any issue between two or more parties. An efficient leader must never stand in front of his people without the skill of effective communication.

“See How Easily You Can Convince People To Listen to You, By Just Using Right Approach ”

After mastering this skills of communications myself, I prepared this guide that covers various techniques necessary to SPEAK WITH EASE AND BUILD CONFIDENCE......"

And Guess what, my product which will cost you Only $27
backed with a 100% Money Back Policy.

my website is www.communicatetoriches.com

Do email me for any query

Julius Pa Woods

Private Reply to Julius Pa Woods

May 10, 2007 5:40 pmre: Speak for those who can't#

Melanie Davis
Asif --

If your goal is to be a personal translator, consider meeting with nurses, speech therapists, or sign language interpreters to see if a need exists for that service. Then, ask for introductions to people who have lost their voices so you can get their perspective as well.

If a need exists and you want to earn money as a translator, research what you can charge in your geographic region. It's impossible to successfully market a service if no one values it enough to pay for it -- even if the fee is nominal.

Best wishes on your mission!

Melanie Davis
Honest Exchange LLC
Core issues, clear communication

Private Reply to Melanie Davis

May 10, 2007 6:29 pmre: Speak for those who can't#

Hello Asif,

You have motives of great character, and I believe that you believe, you'll accomplish what you desire to do. I trully believe that most speakers are searching for such clarity. If you have the passion that comes through in your written words, then no book, cd, or tapes can give you that. Here's what I found to be the truth in speaking.

1. Have a sincere PASSION for what you speak on. Passion is an energy that can not be denied.

2. Stand Up straight and release your Passion verbally.
don't worry so much about techniques for now. It's not so much what you say, it's more of how you say it.. for example; Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Bethoven, and Helen Keller just to name a few. Desire and passion has no limitations!

3. Say it with all your strength, RELAX and sit down. Fine tuning comes with time and practice.. let your passion decide how say it. It's a creative process.

Your burning desire to do what you set out to do will attract the perfect circumstances, people and events to you. Do your home work. You can start online, may be google, or dogpile.com. Put in speakers, public speaking etc..

continue to networkwork and the right people will find you and give you FREE advice and support(Ryze). Remember, your desire has already confirmed YOU CAN DO IT!


CTM in 11 days
Ladera Ranch, CA. Club


Private Reply to L.T. MONEY

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