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Public Speaking - The Essential Skill
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Do you know that Speaking Professionalism can escalate your career and business?Views: 906
May 01, 2008 5:59 amDo you know that Speaking Professionalism can escalate your career and business?#

Dr. Ramesh Nambiar - Trainer of Int'l Speakers & Social Entrepreneurs
Dear Friends,

So many people, eventhough well-educated, are having a real difficulty in Speaking Professionalism. Their inability to speak clearly, and the use of incorrect language, actually puts others off! These individuals often fall unknowingly into the trap of getting “brushed off” as incompetent, regardless of the fact that many are actually very knowledgeable and may even have extensive experience.

There are even many public speakers, business/industry leaders and politicians globally, who fall short when it comes to Speaking Professionalism. In fact, Singapore's Honorable Minister Mentor, Lee Kwan Yew, mentioned about this lack, during an interview in his recent visit to the Middle East, which was widely telecast over Channel News Asia and other major news networks.

Just imagine how much you can boost your career and influence, if you practice simple tips that can enhance your image, when you speak to others. If you have any kind of difficulty in speaking as professionals should, or if you are unsure as to where you stand in your speaking standard, then please do make every effort to seek the help of those who speak professionally.

Everyone has the right to speak professionally and enhance their life! As in the Nike Ads ... Just do it!


Ramesh Nambiar


NB. We also have opportunities for those who wish to organize our Professional Speaker Programs in your country. Just email: shinemarketing@shineworldwide.com

Private Reply to Dr. Ramesh Nambiar - Trainer of Int'l Speakers & Social Entrepreneurs

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